About the university


Mindful of the role of higher education in societal development and promoting public welfare, Ilia State University has formulated its strategy 2018-2024 based on the following core values and principles:

  • Autonomy: The university is an autonomous educational institution, which makes independent decisions relating to its main activities in accordance with the legislation; 
  • Equal Opportunities: The university provides students and academic personnel with equal opportunities for learning, teaching, working and development, which implies the freedom of choice, as well as the support in pursuing activities consistent with the choice;
  • Diversity: The university is an educational institution seeking to promote diversity of cultural, educational and research activities as a foundation for creating public values;  
  • Academic Freedom: The university ensures freedom of choice and implementation of academic activities for its academic personnel and students;
  • Social Responsibility: The university implements different long-term projects by employing unique scientific and human resources to encourage sustainable development; 
  • Academic Integrity: Academic integrity is a key criterion underlying teaching, learning, and research;
  • Transparency and Openness: The university is accountable to the public, proactively disseminates information on its activities and is open for cooperation;
  • Advancement: The university proactively assesses its performance, seeks to identify its own weaknesses and makes efforts to overcome them.

Ilia State University is a signatory of the Magna Charta Universitatum and a member and supporter of the Magna Charta Living Valuesproject.